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male specific plastic surgery

plastic surgery

Our society places a high value on looking young and fit. Today, men of all ages and all walks of life are requesting plastic surgery for cosmetic reasons.


Plastic surgery options include: 

  • Neurotoxins

  • Eyelid Surgery

  • Liposuction

  • Neck Lift

  • Gynecomastia Surgery



Male Breast Reduction Surgery

Gynecomastia surgery reduces breast size in men, flattening and enhancing the chest contours. In severe cases of gynecomastia, the weight of excess breast tissue may cause the breasts to sag and stretch the areola (the dark skin surrounding the nipple). In these cases the position and size of the areola can be surgically improved and excess skin may be reduced.


Plastic surgery to correct gynecomastia is technically called reduction mammaplasty.


What is gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is a condition of overdeveloped or enlarged breasts in men that can occur at any age. The condition can be the result of hormonal changes, heredity, obesity or the use of certain drugs.

Gynecomastia can cause emotional discomfort and impair your self-confidence. Some men may even avoid certain physical activities and intimacy simply to hide their condition.

Gynecomastia is characterized by:

  • Excess localized fat

  • Excess glandular tissue development

  • Sometimes excess breast skin

  • Presence unilaterally (one breast) or bilaterally (both breasts)


The cosmetic form of botulinum toxin, sometimes referred to as "Botox" by patients, is a popular injectable that temporarily reduces or eliminates facial fine lines and wrinkles.


Can be used to: 

  • Smooth crow's feet, forehead furrows, frown lines, lip lines and bunny lines

  • Diminish neck bands

  • Improve the appearance of skin dimpling of the chin

  • Lift the corners of the mouth

  • Soften a square jawline

  • Correct a gummy smile




Eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty, is a surgical procedure to improve the appearance of the eyelids. Surgery can be performed on the upper lids, lower lids or both.


Eyelid surgery can treat:

  • Loose or sagging skin that creates folds or disturbs the natural contour of the upper eyelid, sometimes impairing vision

  • Fatty deposits that appear as puffiness in the eyelids

  • Bags under the eyes

  • Drooping lower eyelids that reveal white below the iris

  • Excess skin and fine wrinkles of the lower eyelid


Liposuction, sometimes referred to as "lipo" by patients, slims and reshapes specific areas of the body by removing excess fat deposits and improving your body contours and proportion.


Liposuction can be performed on:

  • Thighs

  • Hips and buttocks

  • Abdomen and waist

  • Upper arms

  • Back

  • Inner knee

  • Chest area

  • Cheeks, chin, and neck

  • Calves and ankles



Lower Rhytidectomy

A neck lift, or lower rhytidectomy, is a surgical procedure that improves visible signs of aging in the jawline and neck.


Neck lift surgery can treat:

  • Excess fat and skin relaxation in the lower face creates jowls

  • Excess fatty deposits under the chin

  • Loose neck skin

  • Muscle banding in the neck, which created abnormal contours


Minimally Invasive Procedures

Dermal fillers help to diminish facial lines and restore volume and fullness in the face.


As we age, our faces naturally lose subcutaneous fat. The facial muscles are then working closer to the skin surface, so smile lines and crow's feet become more apparent.


The facial skin also stretches a bit, adding to this loss of facial volume. Other factors that affect the facial skin include sun exposure, heredity and lifestyle.


What dermal fillers can do:

  • Plump thin lips

  • Enhance shallow contours

  • Soften facial creases and wrinkles

  • Improve the appearance of recessed scars

  • Reconstruct contour deformities in the face

  • Decrease or remove the shadow of the lower lids


Dermal fillers can be very helpful in those with early signs of aging, or as a value-added part of facial rejuvenation surgery.


What dermal fillers can't do

For some patients, surgery such as a facelift, brow lift or eye lift may be the best approach. Minimally invasive rejuvenation treatments, such as soft tissue fillers, cannot achieve the same results, but may help delay the time when consideration of a facelift becomes appropriate. It is important to remember that dermal fillers are temporary treatments for facial aging and that ongoing treatments will be needed for long-term results.



A facelift, or rhytidectomy, is a surgical procedure that improves visible signs of aging in the face and neck, such as:

  • Relaxation of the skin of the face causes sagging

  • Deepening of the fold lines between the nose and corner of the mouth

  • Fat that has fallen or has disappeared

  • Jowls developing in the cheeks and jaw

  • Loose skin and excess fat on the neck that can appear as a double chin or "turkey neck"


The loss of youthful contours in the face can be due to variety of factors, including thinning of the skin, loss of facial fat, gravity, sun damage, smoking, as well as heredity and stress.


Other procedures that might be performed in conjunction with a facelift are brow lift and eyelid surgery to rejuvenate aging eyes. Fat transfer or fillers may be suggested to replace the lost fatty volume. Skin treatments such as IPL, dermabrasion, peels or laser may be offered to improve the quality and texture of the skin.


What facelift surgery can't do

As a restorative surgery, a facelift does not change your fundamental appearance and cannot stop the aging process.


A facelift can only be performed surgically; minimally invasive rejuvenation treatments cannot achieve the same results, but may help delay the time at which a facelift becomes appropriate and complement the results of surgery.


Some minimally invasive treatments, such as stem cell facelifts, are of unproven benefit.

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